Midwest Record reviews "I SCREAM SCONE!
Here is a wonderful review of "I Scream Scone!" by Chris Spector of the Midwest Record.
RONDETTE ADAM SCONE/I Scream Scone: I'm not sure if Scone realizes what set for the zeitgeist this one is. Streaming stations are surprised to find that people are skipping over the hits. Scone has made a series of one for me records in the past because he enjoys the freedom---up until he was a sideman on a record that went to #1 and thought...hmmmm? So here we have him pointing his B3 in the direction of organ classics that haven't been beaten to death along with his own originals. The result? One of the greatest smoky, after hours organ records to come along in quite some time. It tastes good and it's good for you and you don't have to be a Brooklyn hipster to think it's the most. Kiddies, there was once a time when music was more than the audio equivalent of Velveeta and Ramen noodles----start your search for music that makes you happy here. 1012